Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Irony Without Humor

...Or things you should have used your nogin on (or been sober for...):

So, ok. I admit it. I had a couple of Mike Hard's while starting this sock at the family reunion. Everyone was drinking...why not? And of course, after 6 inches, or when my system digested the booze, I did realize that I was being a jack-A and started the heel at the END of the round, not the middle, thus creating a hideous line running down the front of the foot. Yes, this wasn't the normal Anna knitting. (I dear hope so.) However, when you have frickin' gaps running along all directions like fugin' extra-wide's time to put your foot down. And I don't mean on those "steps." What's that???.... I hear a nasty 'frog' approaching from the murky distance. Crud. At least now I can add watery-looking cables to the next attempt. I shall have my "secret waterfall," I promise you all.

...Of course, I would be ripping it right before the toe decreases. How nice, eh? Doesn't that just give you warm fuzzies??

OH, and a nice little piece of advice for anyone moving to a temporary location: when someone helps you pack up your desktop computer....make sure before you've arrived at a different state that the POWER cord was packed... and not lying on the floor of your room, under your desk, plugged into the wall. Forlorn. Useless.
...AND WHILE I'M ON A ROLE....bring a frickin' fan, for goodness sakes! Your room doens't have air conditioning, and it's about 100 degrees during the day in your room!
(Thanks 'Gramps' for the turbo fan from Walmart! You're a life saver! It's a shame that it was repacked from a return, because it looks used and the tilting adjustments don't hold....)

On a lighter note, (SMILE! Shake off the narcistic gloominess of this post....)I finished reading a couple more books this week, before I headed back for school (and I still have a couple more days to start a new one!..."geeky me," the corny equivalence of "magical me"from H.P:

The sock club i'm designing patterns for is ready for joining! It's set up to be purchased through Etsy. It has a huge sum price for the fierce-hearted sock knitters, but per-month billing can be set up through Liz, which I think is a better option for the common person's pocketbook. The sock club has new innovatory every other month. That means, if you are part of the club, you recieve in the MAIL:
1 skein of yarn & 1 printed off sock pattern (themed with the sock yarn colorway) in each shipment. (The yarns will vary between Celtic, Woodland, and Chubby yarn.)
Please Note (and I quote Liz): Each shipment will be sent out every other month. The first shipment will be sent out in early October.There will be contests and prizes every month. The club is limited to 30 individuals. Months for shipments: October,December,February,April,June

...So i'm guessing "Sock it to me!" sock club was vetoed, then? I guess?
...Knew in my heart I never really had a say in it....
Stubborn ass.

1 comment:

  1. That's so frustrating about the power cord for your computer!!!! I'm glad you got a fan though. ;)


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