Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"Simply Ginny," Supervised By Mr. "Paci"

I'm punching out of (knitting) work, before I go read some more H.P.
You've gotta love the alpaca i'm raising. Forget the barn, he likes to snuggle in bed. He's soooo soft! Too bad he won't let me shear him this summer. (or at all.) I guess i'll have to get my alpaca yarn elsewhere. Good thing he's cute.

Yes, this little dude is struting around, supervising my work on "Simply Ginny" socks. Very nice of him, huh? He made sure I got some work done this evening, after work, VBS volunteering & teaching 3 piano lessons.

The camera doesn't do it justice for the front of the sock, but it's turning out very nicely. Just knitting up this colorway is making me happy, let alone throwing in the extra stuff onto the sock. I love the one simple cable look, with the ribbing on the heel. I wish you could see the true colors. It reminds me so much of Ginny!


  1. very cute
    where'd you get the alpaca?
    btw I'm I assumed you thought I dyed it
    I'm trying to dodge house colours =/

  2. Love the socks--and your suggestion for a stretchy cuff!

    I'm about to cast on my first ever pair of socks! I started a KAL for newbie sock knitters, so there are several of us going on this "journey" together! I'm really looking forward to it!

  3. I love Mr. Paci!! I'm totally obsessed with alpacas, where did you get him?


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