Friday, July 27, 2007

Pure & Evil?

Read the post below. You've got until Sunday at midnight, before I choose 3 of the best colorway names and make a poll for ya'll to vote. Use the last post's comment page for participating. Merci. Oh, did I forget to mention that the winner gets that contest yarn? Everyone loves a good freebie, right? lol.

--Now, onto some new stuff--
I decided that after a cancellation in my schedule, I had some time on my hands to do a couple more dyes. And that's just what I did! However, boy was it hot in my house today! I was literally sweating over a hot stove for a couple of hours before drinking coffee at caribou with someone that I knew from H.S, and sweating some more when I got back into my 100 degree house. Just put all of that together, they do equal dehydration...big time!
Je presente, avec plus effort et l'amour, "Double Potions with Snape." (Ok, hopefully you Frenchies can read that. I swear, my French is draining out of my noggin' like water. Sorry no accents for my laptop... there's no side numbers to do the commands. lol.)
...another view.
I swear, that's not's silver! there's dark green, light green, black, purple & silver.
Ici, tu vu, "The Secret Waterfall."
Silver, sky blue & teal. Too bad squinting won't even help you see that, though.


  1. Hehehe that looks like my Half Blood Prince, just with a lighter shade of salmon/burgundy. =) Very nice, I like.

    I am having a display at Stitches in Rosemont so you better come! =P I have your Narcissa hank anyways. All this coming week I have to dye up like 40 skeins of yarn for the festival. I'm nervous! =/ Btw, how's your second sock syndrome coming? =P

    and I was thinking of doing the sock club every OTHER month. Gives a good amount enough time to dye up, etc between.

  2. I may take your snape now. You know how much I love dark colours. I'll dye up a Burrow for you after the festival. =)

  3. My sister & Toni are probably going to make me get a business license, so it may take a little while. I was thinking of trying to start the club around October, November, give you time to design & me time to come up with colourways and get everything set up.

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Those are awesome! I haven't yet mastered the art of yarn-dyeing. What dye did you use? Any tips?


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