Thursday, June 07, 2007

Subtle Differences

Hey All! This poll's actually a toughie!

I've been doing a little spinning again lately. I reached this point, and cut the wool to continue on. It was just getting way too heavy!

Don't you just love subtle differences? It's hard to see in the picture, but there is the darker cranberry-apple color, and a more cranberry-grape every now and then.
It strikes my fancy on how similar the look, feel and size of the yarn is to Noro yarn!

I plan to knit these babies up later into fingerless mittens, like my Stitch 'N Bitch fingerless gloves, that I used Noro yarn on.

Today was beautiful! A little hot for my taste, but windy. Heh, look at my backyard tree! Yowzah!

I've been knitting my "Ripples" Reading Afghan the past couple of days. I've gotten further, although it doesn't show it. The circumference is getting wider and wider each round, so it's taking a lot longer to knit it up! I'll have some pictures for you all tomorrow. I want to knit a few more rounds first. It already looks a hundred times better than the first picture I showed you all! Ok, well I exaggerate just a tad on numbers sometimes.

I'm getting another itch to dye somemore yarn! I have a 40% coupon to Michaels. I'll probably pick up some more wool on Sunday then. This time, we'll enter the world of the Tropics! Aloha!
Edit: I just bought some natural fingering-weight sock yarn (840 yards!) from I'll have to wait until Monday, Tuesday or even Wed. (at the latest). They are really fast at shipping! I bought 3 skeins. Lol. Liz, ya better not say a word. One more comment on the the fingering-weight, I swear i'll crack.
Oh the possibilities....


  1. Did you split your roving lengthwise before you started spinning or did it already come like that?

  2. I bought roving that was precut aleady. It made my life soo easy for the first go! :)


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