Sunday, May 06, 2007


Ok, someone must stop me! I already have my raglan on the needles, yet I felt the necessity to start something else! At least this isn't a raglan. In fact, it's just a victorian tanktop... which is why i'm gonna call it "Victoria." The inspiration was from the white tanktop picture that I posted a week ago (at the bottom of a post). It will look a lot like it- with bobbles, eyelets on the bottom edge and two different rows of trinity stitch. However, i'm not going to do short rows (I don't think), and I'm still debating whether or not to do pick up stitches along the arm edges like in the picture. It should turn out nicely, and be great for the summer!

Oh, and there are a gazillion strings hanging down the first picture because I tied it around the eyelets, so that the edge doesn't curl up as much when you wear it.

Needles: Size 8 us Circ's (knitpicks interchangables-- lurve them!! I really don't say that enough!)
Yarn: Gotta use up those few skeins of Red Heart Soft-- plumish purple

Back to studying again. (Finals week.)--
EDIT: One more final left! Thursday @ 7:30 AAAAMMMM! Sheesh! Why do they keep doing this to me???
I'm at the computer lab right now finishing up some studying, but when I get home, I'm gonna knit up some more rows and watch Will & Grace. This Thursday, I can officially watch Smallville for the first time ever, since I'm done with my night class!!! Yay! I can't wait. Then off to the bars-- "no more finals, no more school for 3 more months" partying! I'm not a heavy drinker (i'm a lighty) but the upstairs dancing with all the lights and music sounds fun, after not doing it like all semester!


  1. try socks, you know. .. knit with sock yarn. . . .it's addicting =P
    you'd love knitting a pair of Noro socks

  2. I took a disney class that sucked and was boring
    I'll be visiting Il on & off over the summer, maybe we can meet up at one of Chicago's yarn stores downtown

  3. try sock yarn. . . .fingering weight with all the designs & patterns out there =)

  4. LOL if I was in the middle of finals, I wouldn't want to study either! No wonder you have so many UFO's!
    I bet they will be FO's in no time babe! You knit like a fiend! LOL in the most complimentary way possible!

  5. That's a really pretty tank...may have to see if my library has that issue.


  6. Tag you're it! Check out my blog for details.
    Michele ;-)

  7. The socks aren't wide, they're knit on size 1 needles with 64 stitches
    they just look wide, but they really aren't that big


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