Tuesday, May 15, 2007

$14 Thrift Shop Bill. Yeah, I'm serious.

Having nothing to do today after watching tv at the bo's house, we decided to take a trip to the thrift shop, because I heard on craftster that someone found a bag of yarn with alpaca and other things for $4! Well, I didn't find alpaca, but I found a bag with shetland wool (50g), 8 skeins of what looks like the Berroco Suede yarn in a variety of colors, 1 1/2 skeins of what looks to be chunky purple wool, blue & white wool, and tweedy wool (80-100g??), a skein of that black lacey blocks yarn on the right, and a questionable tweedy blue skein of yarn. My cost for this whole bag?? $4!! If I bought this at the normal craftstore, that wouldn't even buy me one skein of theses things.

We then looked around at the book selection. I was amazed to find books in my own collection (eh hem!! *library*) at home that was going for only a couple of bucks... paperback and also hardcover! They had quite the selection of stuff. I piced up an interesting find: Snow Falling on Cedars, which supposedly is a #1 bestseller book, and the great price of $1.21 and The Alchemist, which is only 150 pages, and if it isn't good, I won't cry over 88 cents.

Also... I've been looking for ages for a bargain-priced serving tea pot! For 7 bucks, I found an amazing pot in brand-new condition just waiting for me. I looked on the bottom, and I know why I recognize it. I saw it at Target last season, when I was initially searching for the teapot.

Amazing, or what? 14 bucks is pretty good for all that!
Let's hope more people donate yarn, and the cashiers never find out the retail prices of the yarn!!


  1. Great finds...I love thrift store shopping for that very reason!

  2. I'll be in IL this weekend, wanna meet up?

  3. it's smaller and has different yarns, than the "knitting shop"
    hopefully their selection will increase
    they sell rovings, dyes & spinning wheels also
    oooo I want a spinning wheel!
    What's the store called? Maybe we could meet up on Saturday

  4. send me your address on facebook & I'll mapquest it when I get home. You can drive us to the shop =P
    I can probably come about eh 10 Saturday morning
    the one in Coralville is smaller

  5. Great Find! btw, Snow Falling on Cedars is an excellent book...a little sad in parts...but it really keeps your attention and it has a good ending! Enjoy!

    - Jenn


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